First Day of Hockey Practice

Mighty Mite hockey has Jackie Boy on the ice rink for the first time. As painful as it looks, he never said a word about his bum and loved it. He was confused as to where the puck was for the better part of the first practice (there was none). Dad is confused in how to add value to the experience as he never played hockey.

[ Note – Once you push play on the Video you will see a “” button, push it for high quality. ]

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Jackie Boys first Elk Hunt

Jackie Boy goes out for his first Elk Hunt with Dad in Porcupine Creek.

[ Note – Once you push play on the Video you will see a “” button, push it for high quality. ]

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2009 Halloween


Genevieve was a “fairytale” and Jack a “Knight.” We cruised around the Town Square and then off our Jack’s friend Max’s in Rafter J for the candy haul.  >> See Photos.

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Genevieve’s 3rd Birthday

“Big Mama” (Megan) put together a great party for Genevieve, complete with pumpkin decorating kits. Genevieve refuses to blow out any candles on cakes and cannot seem to stay away from the cupcakes. It was a beautiful fall day and we had the party at a restaurant as our house is still a Federal Disaster Area.

[ Note – Once you push play on the Video you will see a “HQ” button, push it for high quality. ]

>> See The Party Photos

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Learning to Ride my Bike

Jackie Boy learned to ride his bike on Monday in Branford. It was a big day and the excitement is still going on in Jackson Hole. We just have to get in enough biking before the snow comes.

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Snake River Dinner Cruise


We had a great dinner cruise under the Tetons with the Winthrop’s. There was an Elk crossing the river, a Moose wading the shallows, raccoons on the bank and an Eagle in the tree.  >> See the photos.

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Jackie Boy on the Soccer Field

Jackie Boy is experiencing his first team sport with the summer soccer league.  It has been referred to as “bumble bee soccer,” as they all move around in a pack chasing the ball.  As a proud father I have to point out that he is a good hussler, that is when he is on his feet, working both ends of the field.

[ NOTE: After the video starts, click on the “HQ” symbol on the player in the lower right and you will see the video in higher quality.” ]


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Fish Sooke, Part I

Part I – Adventures with Sooke

sooke_photoThe adventure started with Genevieve winning a fish at the 2009 Teton County Fair after opting out of the Demo Derby.  That poor fish has now been all over the county and spent its first night in her bed with her.  Sooke has now moved to a fish bowl, but we don’t know if it has experienced any quality of life enhancements yet.  Wish Sooke luck!

Posted in Genevieve, Jack | 1 Comment

Camping on the South Fork

We took off on a overnight river camping trip with some friends. The South Fork of the Snake River in Idaho. 26 miles of river, a few Cutthroat Trout, one big mosquito bite on Genevieve and a 13 year old yellow lab.

[ NOTE: After the video starts, click on the “HQ” symbol on the player in the lower right and you will see the video in higher quality.” ]

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Fishing on Leigh Lake

Jack and Latham go in pursuit of Cutthroat Trout on Leigh Lake in Grand Teton National Park.

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