Jack’s 7th Birthday Party // 2012

Jack’s 7th birthday party at the Wilson ice rink with Knuckle’s the Moose.

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Ol’ Christmas Tree

Out for the annual Christmas Tree cutting in Porcupine Creek.

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Fall Trip on the Colorado River

We joined the Pruzan family for a late fall river trip down the Colorado River through Horsetheif & Ruby Canyons.

Photo Gallery

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Pork Belly Posse´

The Pork Belly Posse´ rode into town for the 2011 Teton County Fair.  The Posse´ worked hard as they tried their hands at pig wrestling.  Good to have the cousins in town from back east to increase the numbers.

>> See Photos

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Genevieve’s Two Wheeler

Genevieve learns how to ride her “two wheeler.”  Jack talks about his first important job and provides the transportation.

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Water skiing with Opie

Jackie Boy’s First Water Ski
Jack had a successful first run at water skiing this weekend, supported by Opie, the catapillar and Mama.

If you are not seeing the slide show, click here to see the photos.

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Disney World Adventures

Our one day adventure in Disney World.  Nothing like midnight at the Magic Kingdom to beat the lines and squeeze in a few rides.

Started the day off at the Blizzard Waterpark and finished as we  took the last shuttle out of Animal Kingdom.


See the Photos

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Jack’s 6th Birthday

Jack’s 6th birthday celebration at King Tubes.

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Front Yard Kicker

After spending the day skiing at the resort, Jackie Boy found a new line in the front yard. Good thing they are rental skis.

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February Ski Day

The Jenkins got out for a little family fun in the Terrain & Stash Parks.

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